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J. Gray & Son

Year of Production:

Place of Production:
Sheffield, England

July 30, 2002


2 “J. GRAY & SON/ SHEFFIELD” stamped on top of earpiece

006.5 cm length, 006.5 cm width, 018.3 cm height


Instrument used to amplify sounds from within the body especially used to listen to heart, pulse, breathing and lungs, so that they may be heard by the user.

Part of a larger collection of medical artifacts, archival material and trade literature transferred to CSTM in 2002 from the former History of Medicine Museum in Toronto, Ontario.

Example of two-piece monaural stethoscope, with separate ear-piece. First monaural stethoscope invented in France in 1816: compact and rugged, the instrument greatly improved the physician’s ability to listen to internal body sounds. Monaural used exclusively c. 1820-1850 when binaural stethoscope introduced.

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