Curated Sets
This page presents our collection through “curated sets” of materials. The sets bring together brief thematic introductions with related items in the database. They amalgamate all digitized items around a key figure, technology, institution, or theme in the history of acoustics.
Early twentieth-century telephone periodicals
by Matthew Hockenberry
This collection, assembled by media historian Matthew Hockenberry, contains a selection of telephone journals and associated materials from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Examining the Bell System from the perspective of the independent telephone industry and Bell’s own internal periodicals through materials catalogued by the AT&T Archives, the National Museum of American [...]

Carl Stumpf Research on Tone Psychology
In the first two decades of the twentieth century, psychologist Carl Stumpf and his colleagues at the Institute of Psychology in Berlin made the phonograph into a research tool for tone psychology, as is documented by a collection of roughly a hundred Experimentalwalzen (experimental cylinders). Today, these cylinders are preserved at the Phonogramm-Archiv in Berlin. Digital copies of some [...]
January 12, 2024

Animal sound recordings
by Jackson Pope, Joeri Bruyninckx and Alexandra Hui
This set consists of digitized sound recordings of animal sound (mostly birds), which were produced and published for purposes of popular entertainment, teaching, hunting, and scientific research in ornithology and bioacoustics. The collection includes recordings gathered and digitized by historians of science Jackson Pope, Joeri Bruyninckx, and Alexandra Hui. The majority of recordings was produced [...]
January 9, 2024