Contribution / Chapter
Listening to More Than Sounds
Carl Stumpf People
Die Sprachlaute Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl] [Folder] Hauptversuche mit von Hornbostel und Wertheimer [Envelope] 17. Phonogr. Versuche Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Carl Stumpf], [Envelope] 1 Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Carl Stumpf], [Envelope] 4. Tafeln des Interferenz-Aufbau’s f. gesungene Vokale Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 5. Diagramme zu den Resonanzversuchen (Vokale) Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]. [Envelope] 5. Diagramme zu den Resonanzversuchen (Vokale)) Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11 [Part 1] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11 [Part 5] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11, [A] [Part 2] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11, [Flüstertöne] [Part 4] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11, [zu Ue] [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 12, Klang-Synthese Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 14, Unwiss[entliche] Versuche [Part 1] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 17, Phonogr. Versuche Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 6. Formantentabellen Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 8. Bibliothek Vokale [Part 1]. Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 8. Bibliothek Vokale [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] Die Vokale bei d. Synthese zu d. unwissentl. Versuchen Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] 11a, [Zur Analyse der Konsonanten] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Hauptversuche mit v Hb u Wertheimer, [Envelope] 17 [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Phonograph … Klangquellen, [Envelope] 17 [Part 5] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] v Allesch, [Envelope] 17 [Part 1] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Versuchsprotokolle (Phonogr. Vokale), [Envelope] 17 [Part 4] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Vorversuche mit v. Hb., [Envelope] 17 [Part 2] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Notebook], [Envelope] 8. Bibliothek Vokale, [Part 2] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder], [Envelope] 14 [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: A c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 4] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: Ae c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 5] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: E c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 6] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: I, [Envelope] 14 [Part 7] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: O, [Envelope] 14 [Part 8] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: Oe, [Envelope] 14 [Part 9] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: U c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 10] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: Ue, [Envelope] 14 [Part 11] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: [Envelope] 14 [Part 12] Texts
Stumpf Papers: n.n., Die Eigentöne der Vocale in der russischen Sprache. [Envelope] 6. Formantentabellen Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl] [Untitled manuscript] [Envelope] 11 Texts
Carl Stumpf [Vowel Experiments 4] Audio
Listening to More Than Sounds
This paper examines the “Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv,” founded in after 1900 as part of the Institute of Psychology, University of Berlin. The Phonogramm-Archiv was connected to the emergence of several new disciplines and research domains, including experimental phonetics, Gestalt theory, music psychology, and comparative musicology. Of the archive’s 30,000 phonographic recordings, some one hundred were made for experimental purposes. One of them in particular, containing a moment of near silence, serves as a point of departure for relating these disciplines to the sound archive as a new technology and research tool. The barely audible sounds on this cylinder challenge phonographic recording as a technical device, and recall Carl Stumpf’s inquiry into cognitive predispositions in listeners. Whispered vowels delineate the limitations of that research and of the archive itself. The paper investigates how new research methodologies emerged out of the gap between recorded items and their various interpretations in different disciplines.
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