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LIttmann classic II S. E



LIttmann classic II S. E

Year of Production:

Place of Production:
St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.

November 21, 2016


Around the rim of the chestpiece: "3M [TM] Littmann [R] Classic II SE/ I12H54787 CE Made in U.S.A."/ On the proper front of the chestpiece: "LITTMANN/ L/ QUALITY/ TM". Original packaging: on the proper bottom of the box "3M [TM] Littmann [R]/ Classic II S.E. Stethoscope"/ Following is a list of features for the stethoscope in eleven different languages (the English list is on the lid, see .3). On the proper front of the lid: "3M/ Littmann [R]/ Brand/ [logo] LITTMANN/ L/ QUALITY/ TM"/ In large text faded in the background of the graphic: "Classic/ S.E."/ In black text: "Classic II S.E./ Stethoscope/ High acoustic sensitivity/ Tunable diaphragm, a 3M invention, for/ monitoring low and high frequencies/ Traditional combination chestpiece with/ non chill rim/ Compact and durable design/ Patented 3M[TM] Littmann[R] Snap Tight/ Soft-Sealing Eartips"/ On the proper bottom end: "3M/ Littmann[R]/ Brand/ Classic II S.E. Stethoscope"/ On the larger label on the proper bottom: "3M[TM] Littmann[R]/ Classic II S.E./ Stethoscope/ 2813 Ceil Blue/ 28 in / 71 cm/ LOT 2012-08 IN/ 70-2007-4583-7 38-9001-7565-4" The rest of this label is hidden by the second label, which is placed over it./ On the second label: "Health Sciences Bks/ 10/18/12/ LITTMANN CLASSIC II SE - CEI/ 490/ [barcode]/ 011799970/ 011799970/ Auth:/ SubD: MEDICAL SUP/ Pkg Qty: $97.00/ Class: MEDICAL/VET SUP./ SubC: PRESTIGE MEDICA"/ On the proper right side of the lid: "Electronic Stethoscopes/ Cardiology Stethoscopes/ Classic Stethoscopes Master Classic II Classic II S.E. Classic II Pediatric Classic II Infant/ Select/Lightweight/ 3M[TM] Littmann[R]/ Classic II S.E. Stethoscope/ 3 Year Warranty"/ On the proper top of the lid: "Made in the U.S.A. by 3M Health Care, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000/ (U.S.A.) 1-800-228-3957/ Visit our web site: 3M, Littmann, the L Littmann logo, and the L are trademarks of 3M,/ used under license in Canada. [c] 2011, 3M. All rights reserved./ CE/ EC REP 3M Health Care/ D-41453 Neuss Germany/ [symbol of a book with an "i" on the right side page]/ Consult/ instructions/ for use/ Littmann[R]/ Brand/ [the word "LATEX" inside a circle with a diagonal stroke from top left to bottom right]/ Classic II S.E./ Stethescope/ 34-8705-3485-5"/ On the proper left side: "3M[TM] Littmann[R]/ Classic II S.E. Stethoscope/ 3 Year Warranty/ Littmann[R]/ Brand"/

3.2 cm height, 71.2 cm length, 8.0 cm in width


Metal headset and chestpiece with synthetic eartips, tubing and chestpiece rim coatings. Grey-blue tubing with silver coloured metal headset with grey synthetic eartips. The chestpiece is a grey coloured metal with dark grey rims. Cardboard box with a foam insert; Predominantly white with black text on the proper bottom. Inside is a dark grey foam insert. Predominantly black and green lid with a photographic representation of the stethoscope with black tubing and accents, instead of blue and grey. It has red, white and black text on the proper front and a grey “Littmann” logo. The proper bottom end has two white labels overlapping each other with mostly black text and some blue.

An instrument used to listen to sounds inside the patient’s body, such as breathing and cardiac sounds.

A 2012 version of the classic Littman stethoscope used by physician and nurses throughout Canada.

The Littmann stethoscope was first developed by Dr. David Littmann in 1961, this instrument rapidly became popular: it’s simple design remains the basis for most stethoscopes used in medical practice today [2016]. It’s open chest piece allows the user to better hear low-pitched sounds; firm tubing has a single lumen bore; it is constructed of the shortest practical overall length; has a spring with precise tension to hold the ear tubes apart; and is lightweight and convenient to carry and use. It was made in two models: the doctor’s stethoscope and the nurse’s stethoscope.

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