This page features important publication series on the history of acoustics, including relevant journals, book series, multi-volume works, illustrated books, and serialized sound recordings. Our favorite is the Gravesaner Blätter and the gramophone recordings that accompanied this journal from 1955 to 1966, but browse for yourself!
Gravesaner Blätter – Recordings
by Gravesaner Blätter
Further digital copies of the records from 1961 onwards can be found here. The digital copies of the issues from 1955 to 1966 can be viewed in the archive of the Akademie der Künste. [...]
October 8, 2024

“Getting Through“ Album by the Zenith Radio Corporation
by Zenith Corporation
The full album can be found under the following link: [...]
September 24, 2024

Seashore Records
The audio files in this directory are digitized versions of the Seashore Measures of Musical Talents, taken from three 1939 and 1957 albums produced by the Psychological Corporation. They were recovered from the storage room of the Psychology Shop at the Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, in the summer of 2016.
September 17, 2024

The history of the Royal Society of London. Volume 1 – 4
by Thomas Birch and Andrew Millar
Series of the history of the Royal Society of London, Volumes 1 – 4
February 6, 2024

Mit Kamera und Lautplatte durch England
by Wilhelm Albert Doegen and Will Potter
English title: With Camera and Record throughout England Contents: Paddington Station-London, D1 At Paddington Station – Conversation, D1 A Railway Excursion, D2 Fleet Street, D3 Fleet Street – Conversation, D3 The London Underground Railways, D4 The London Underground Railways – Conversation, D4 Buying a Hat, D4 Buying a Hat – Conversation, D4 The Most Popular Man in the [...]
April 13, 2023

Index: Publicaties van de Geluidstichting (1934-1960): Publications of the Dutch Sound Foundation
by Nederlandse Geluidstichting (Dutch Sound Foundation) [...]
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents held at the archives of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (located at the office of M+P Consultants, Vught, The [...]
March 3, 2023

Personal information forms from the Lautarchiv collection
by Lautabteilung
Selection of the personal information forms (Personalbögen) accompanying the recordings by Wilhelm Doegen for the Lautabteilung. They were digitized by the Lautarchiv, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, and published here by kind permission of Richard Doegen. Further personal information forms are available through the Lautarchiv collection. For any questions [...]
February 28, 2023

NAG ICA (International Commission for Acoustics)
by Nederlandse Geluidstichting (Dutch Sound Foundation), [...]
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents held at the archives of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (located at the office of M+P Consultants, Vught, The [...]
February 28, 2023

Jaarverslagen [annual reports] van de Geluidstichting en het Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap
by Nederlandse Geluidstichting (Dutch Sound Foundation) [...]
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a [...]
February 14, 2023

Geluidstichting corr. 1933-1934 oprichting [Sound Foundation, corr. 1933-1934 formation]
by Committee for the Study of [...]
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents [...]
January 17, 2023

Experimental cylinders from the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv (ca. 1907–1916)
by Phonogramm-Archiv (Berlin)
January 6, 2023

Stumpf Papers from the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv
by Carl Stumpf
December 20, 2022

Sound Waves. International Telephone Journal (1900-1910)
International Telephone Journal was a telephone industry magazine. It began as a house organ for the Swedish-American Telephone Company, with E. B. Overshiner as publisher and William H. Graffis as editor. Alternative Names: Soundwaves. First Published: 1900. Last Published: 1910, when it was absorbed by Telephony. [...]
December 15, 2022

Anti Lawaai Actie 3 [Noise Abatement Campaign 3]
by Nederlandse Geluidstichting (Dutch Sound Foundation)
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents held at the archives of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (located at the office of M+P Consultants, Vught, The Netherlands). [...]
December 13, 2022

Anti Lawaai Actie 2 [Noise Abatement Campaign 2]
by Nederlandse Geluidstichting (Dutch Sound Foundation)
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents held at the archives of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (located at the office of M+P Consultants, Vught, The Netherlands). [...]
December 6, 2022

Anti Lawaai Actie 1 [Noise Abatement Campaign 1]
by Nederlandse Geluidstichting (Dutch Sound Foundation)
Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments: The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents held at the archives of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (located at the office of M+P Consultants, Vught, The Netherlands). [...]
November 29, 2022

Demonstration videos from the Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica in Florence
The videos illustrate several disciplines of classical physics. For the physics of sound, some of the most common demonstrations of nineteenth-century acoustics were filmed. This discipline experienced rapid development during the nineteenth century, both theoretically and experimentally. A large number of research and demonstration devices were introduced during [...]
November 27, 2022

Doegens Auswahl englischer Gedichte. 2 Discs
by Wilhelm Albert Doegen
November 25, 2022

Gutzmann, short writings
by Hermann Gutzmann
All the essays are offprints, collated into chronologically arranged bundles by Hermann Gutzmann himself. Gutzmann, short writings I — 1887-1893 Gutzmann, short writings II — 1894-1897 Gutzmann, short writings III — 1898-1900 Gutzmann, short writings IV — 1901-1904 Gutzmann, short writings V — 1905-1908 [...]
November 23, 2022

Gutzmann, offprints
by Albert Eulenburg
November 22, 2022

The Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983)
The Bell System Technical Journal was a periodical intended for sharing the scientific and engineering developments of the Bell System. It was published between 1922 and 1983. Collecting Attribution: Internet Archive / Jason Scott
November 22, 2022

Smith Fox Call Record – Live Grey Fox Distress Call
by James L. Smith
Smith Fox Call Record Live Grey Fox Distress Call by James L- Smoth Both Sides Actual Recording of Live Fox O-M 10877
November 22, 2022

Twelve tuning forks, with ivory hammer, made by Dr. R. Koenig
by Rudolph Koenig
The forks give the notes ciii, civ, div, eiv, fiv, the 11th harmonic of c1, the 13th harmonic of c1, aiv, the 14th harmonic of c1, bv, and cv (ciii and cv have vibration frequencies of 1024 and 4096 respectively). These forks are constructed to prove the following law: The beats m and n –– m of [...]
November 15, 2022

WE Record – Actual Live Crow Recording
Side A Side B WE Record Use with “Call of the wild” record player. Actual Live Crow Recording Both sides No. WC–3
November 15, 2022

Eight tuning forks made by
Dr. Rudolph Koenig
by Rudolph Koenig
The set of eight tuning forks was acquired by the Science Museum, London, on the closure of the Physics Department of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. The box is marked “Standard Set of Tuning Forks.” A handwritten note in the Science Museum’s technical file T/1968-634 states that no mention of this particular box of forks can be found in the Museum’s copy [...]
November 8, 2022

Wilhelm Doegen’s recordings in the Lautarchiv
by Wilhelm Albert Doegen
Selection of the recordings by Wilhelm Doegen, digitized by the Lautarchiv, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik and published here by kind permission of Richard Doegen. Further recordings are available through the Lautarchiv collection. For any questions concerning the recordings, and to request permission to reuse individual items, please contact the Lautarchiv. [...]
November 1, 2022

2000 Jahre Musik auf der Schallplatte. Twelve discs
by Sachs and Carl Lindström [...]
This collection of twelve discs, edited by musicologist Curt Sachs, was recorded by Parlophone and published by the cultural department of Carl Lindström AG in 1930 in Berlin. It was intended to be the first step in a larger project of collecting and recording old music. When the Nazi party seized power in 1933, Sachs, who was Jewish, had to leave Germany. He [...]
November 1, 2022

Günter Tembrock: protocols on fox behavior, 1953-1967
by Günter Tembrock
October 25, 2022

More songs of wild birds. Three discs
by Ludwig Koch and Edward Nicholson
Three grammophone records accompanying the publication by E.M. Nicholson and Ludwig Koch: More songs of wild birds. London, H.F. & G. Witherby, 1937 (Link to 4th edition, 1949). Disc 1, Side A (E.8471) 1. Skylark In The Air 2. Skylark On The Ground 3. Curlew Disc 1, Side B (E.8536) 1. Woodlark 2. Tree-Pipit Disc 2, Side A (E.8535) 1. Redstart 2. Blue-Tit 3. Willow-Tit 4. Chiffchaff Disc 2, Side [...]
October 25, 2022

Wilhelm Doegen’s recordings in the Deutsches Historisches Museum
Selection of the recordings by Wilhelm Doegen, digitized by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in 2018 and published here by kind permission of Richard Doegen. Further recordings are available through the collection of the Deutsches Historisches Museum. For any questions concerning the recordings, and to request permission to reuse [...]
October 25, 2022

Songs of wild birds. Two discs
by Ludwig Koch and Edward Nicholson
Two grammophone records accompanying the publication E.M. Nicholson and Ludwig Koch: Songs of wild birds. Introduction by Julian S. Huxley. London, H.F. & G. Witherby, 1936 (Link to the 7th edition, 1948). Disc 1, Side A (E.7771) 1. Nightingale 2. Cuckoo Disc 1, Side B (E.7772) 1. Blackbird 2. Throstle 3. (a) Pied Woodpecker (Drum) 3. (b) Green Woodpecker Disc 2, Side A (E.7774) 1. Robin 2. Wren 3. [...]
October 18, 2022

Tone-Limit Apparatus
Recorded at the Acoustics Collection Storage Room, Science Museum Blythe House, London W14, on July 17, 2013, by Dr. Aleksander Kolkowski (Research Associate, Royal College of Music, 2013, and Hon. Research Associate, Science Museum, London, 2014–16). The Inventory Number incorporates the year of acquisition (given before the hyphen) and the accession number from that year (after the hyphen). “vps” [...]
October 13, 2022

Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde / Internationales Zentralblatt für Experimentelle Phonetik VOX
by Albert Gutzmann and Hermann Gutzmann
October 11, 2022

The Bell System Technical Journal
The Bell System Technical Journal was a periodical intended for sharing the scientific and engineering developments of the Bell System. It was published between 1922 and 1983. Collecting Attribution: Internet Archive / Jason Scott
October 6, 2022

Western Electric News
October 4, 2022

Bell Telephone News
Bell Telephone News was the regional telephone magazine published by The Bell Telephone Company of Chicago.
October 4, 2022

Phonographische Zeitschrift
September 27, 2022

Funk: die Wochenschrift des Funkwesens
This is a collection of „Funk: die Wochenschrift des Funkwesens“, a weekly magazine about radio communications that was published by the Weidmannsche Buchhandlung Berlin between 1924 and 1944.
September 27, 2022

Gravesaner Blätter
Die Digitalisate der Hefte von 1955 bis 1966 können im Archiv der Akademie der Künste eingesehen werden. Weitere Digitalisate der Schallplatten ab 1961 können hier gefunden werden. [...]
July 22, 2022