Carl Stumpf Research on Tone Psychology

Carl Stumpf People
Die Sprachlaute Texts
Bericht von Geheimrat Stumpf an die Preußische Phonographische Kommission, Part 1 Texts
Bericht von Geheimrat Stumpf an die Preußische Phonographische Kommission, Part 2 Texts
Postcard of the Berlin City Palace Images
Phonogramm-Archiv (Berlin) Locations/Institutions
Das Berliner Phonogrammarchiv Texts
The psychology of tone Texts
Tonpsychologie. Volume 2 Texts
Lieder der Bellakula-Indianer Texts
Tonsystem und Musik der Siamesen Texts
Wilhelm Albert Doegen People
Lautarchiv Locations/Institutions
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokale 2 (May 1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Gibbon No. 2 (April 16, 1912) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Gibbon No. 3 (April 16, 1912) Audio
Stumpf Papers: [Carl Stumpf], [Envelope] 1 Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Carl Stumpf], [Envelope] 4. Tafeln des Interferenz-Aufbau’s f. gesungene Vokale Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 5. Diagramme zu den Resonanzversuchen (Vokale) Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]. [Envelope] 5. Diagramme zu den Resonanzversuchen (Vokale)) Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] 11a, [Zur Analyse der Konsonanten] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 12, Klang-Synthese Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 14, Unwiss[entliche] Versuche [Part 1] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] Die Vokale bei d. Synthese zu d. unwissentl. Versuchen Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder], [Envelope] 14 [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: A c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 4] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: Ae c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 5] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: E c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 6] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: I, [Envelope] 14 [Part 7] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: O, [Envelope] 14 [Part 8] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 6. Formantentabellen Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 8. Bibliothek Vokale [Part 1]. Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 8. Bibliothek Vokale [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11 [Part 1] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11, [A] [Part 2] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11, [zu Ue] [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11, [Flüstertöne] [Part 4] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 11 [Part 5] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] v Allesch, [Envelope] 17 [Part 1] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Hauptversuche mit v Hb u Wertheimer, [Envelope] 17 [Part 3] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Envelope] 17, Phonogr. Versuche Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Phonograph … Klangquellen, [Envelope] 17 [Part 5] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl] [Folder] Hauptversuche mit von Hornbostel und Wertheimer [Envelope] 17. Phonogr. Versuche Texts
Stumpf Papers: n.n., Die Eigentöne der Vocale in der russischen Sprache. [Envelope] 6. Formantentabellen Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Notebook], [Envelope] 8. Bibliothek Vokale, [Part 2] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: Oe, [Envelope] 14 [Part 9] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: U c1, [Envelope] 14 [Part 10] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: Ue, [Envelope] 14 [Part 11] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Untitled folder]: [Envelope] 14 [Part 12] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Vorversuche mit v. Hb., [Envelope] 17 [Part 2] Texts
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl], [Folder] Versuchsprotokolle (Phonogr. Vokale), [Envelope] 17 [Part 4] Texts
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don I (February 18, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don IV (April 2, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Swindel Maultrommel 1 (Part I) (1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Swindel Maultrommel 1 (Part II) (1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Experimentalwalzen (Part I) (August 1, 1914) Audio
Experimental record: Carl Stumpf, Experimentalwalzen (Part II) (August 1, 1914) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Experimentalwalzen (Part III) (August 1, 1914) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Discurso Don Lucio Delgado (Part I) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Discurso Don Lucio Delgado (Part II) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don II (February 18, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don III (February 18, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don V (February 19, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don VI (February 19, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don VII (February 19, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don I (December 21, 1910) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don III (December 21, 1910) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Don IV (December 21, 1910) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Gibbon No. 1 (April 16, 1912) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokale 1 (May 1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokale 3 Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokale 4 (May 1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokale 5 (Part I) (May 1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokale 5 (Part II) (May 1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Swindel Maultrommel 2 (1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Swindel Maultrommel 3 (1916) Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Versuchswalze Audio
Experimental recording: Otto Abraham, Hornbostel Intonationsprobe 13 (September 11, 1907) Audio
Experimental recording: Otto Abraham, Hornbostel Intonationsprobe 14 Audio
Experimental recording: Carl Stumpf, Vokalaufnahmen Dr. Pfungst (April 4, 1911) Audio
Experimental recording: Otto Abraham, Intonationsprobe Prof. E Audio
Experimental recording: Otto Abraham, Wagner Motive Audio
Stumpf Papers: [Stumpf, Carl] [Untitled manuscript] [Envelope] 11 Texts
Carl Stumpf Research on Tone Psychology
In the first two decades of the twentieth century, psychologist Carl Stumpf and his colleagues at the Institute of Psychology in Berlin made the phonograph into a research tool for tone psychology, as is documented by a collection of roughly a hundred Experimentalwalzen (experimental cylinders). Today, these cylinders are preserved at the Phonogramm-Archiv in Berlin. Digital copies of some of the cylinders are available through our database, accompanied by a selection of Stumpf’s laboratory notebooks, documenting his interest in technologies of sound analysis and synthesis. In addition, the database holds published writings on scientific sound recording by Stumpf and his close collaborators.
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