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Kranteknipsel, overdruk: [v.G.], “Bij de hernieuwde Anti-Lawaai-Actie,” De Auto (Officieel orgaan van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Automobiel Club), No. 36, 12.11.1947

[Press clipping, reprint: [v.G.], “At the renewed Noise Abatement Campaign,” The Car (Official organ of the Royal Dutch Automobile Club), No. 36, 12.11.1947]

Kranteknipsel, overdruk: [v.G.], “Bij de hernieuwde Anti-Lawaai-Actie,” De Auto (Officieel orgaan van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Automobiel Club), No. 36, 12.11.1947

[Press clipping, reprint: [v.G.], “At the renewed Noise Abatement Campaign,” The Car (Official organ of the Royal Dutch Automobile Club), No. 36, 12.11.1947]

Text Type:
Newspaper Article

Koninklijke Nederlandsche Automobiel Club

Year of Publishing:



Explanatory Note and Acknowledgments:

The archival documents concerning the history of the Geluidstichting (Sound Foundation) and Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (Dutch Society for Acoustics) in the “Sound & Science” database include a digitized selection of the documents held at the archives of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (located at the office of M+P Consultants, Vught, The Netherlands). The sequence of the selected and digitized documents follows that of the original paper archive, but the numbering of the digitized documents has been added by us to facilitate digital storage. The dates of the newspaper clippings in the archive were tracked down using the online retrieval system for Dutch newspapers, magazines, and books,

We would like to express our gratitude to the Board of the Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap (NAG), Gijsjan van Blokland (chair NAG and senior consultant at M+P Raadgevende Ingenieurs, Vught, The Netherlands), and M+P managing director Jan Hooghwerff for their excellent help in making the digitization possible. We would also like to thank Karin Bijsterveld for selecting and describing the documents, and Jonathan Haid for doing the actual digitization work.

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