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A la recherche du parleur inconnu. Amateurs et professionnels. Comoedia newspaper, 1.-8. august 1942

A la recherche du parleur inconnu. Amateurs et professionnels. Comoedia newspaper, 1.-8. august 1942

Text Type:
Newspaper Article

Year/Month of Publishing:
August 1942

Page Numbers:



In July, 1942, following a classified advertisement in newspapers, many actors and singers (amateurs or experienced) applied for a training program. Around twenty of them were accepted (eventually no amateurs), following a usual selection process.

A la recherche du parleur inconnu. Amateurs et professionnels” (“In search of the unknown speaker. Amateurs and professionals”):

  1. Comoedia, 8 August 1942, page 6. «A la recherche du parleur inconnu». Photo (enlarged): «Behind the glass partition that separates them from the studio, the jury members study a candidate’s voice. (Photo Schall.)» On the right, Pierre Schaeffer.
  2. Comoedia, 8 August 1942, page 6 (the full page: « Radio-Comoedia ») : «A la recherche du parleur inconnu» and « Admissibilité au concours d’admission au stage de Copeau » (” Qualifications for the competition for admission to the internship of Copeau “). Link: © Bibliothèque nationale de France
  3. Pierre Schaeffer, «A la recherche du parleur inconnu. Amateurs et professionnels», Comœdia, 1 August 1942, page 1, page 6. Link: © Bibliothèque nationale de France

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